Drawing inspiration from the quiet mountain vistas to creeks flowing through the Spruceton Valley this collaboration between artists and neighbors Sarah Mitchell and Steven Weinberg tries to inhabit the spirit of the Catskills.

In 2023 h my friend and neighbor Steven Weinberg and I collaborated on a limited collection of platters and Bowls.

It started with making several rounds of test tiles to narrow down the clay body and glaze colors before diving into the ceramic shapes. Once the pieces were bisque fired HTTP://WWW.STEVENWEINBERGSTUDIO.COM/ took over painting the beautiful artwork over the surfaces before the final kiln firing.

Here are a few of the final collaboration pieces.

The Petal

The petal vessels evolved out of an experimental sculpture project with an oceanic theme in mind, specifically corals shapes. Looking to draw attention to the astounding beauty of universal reefs and the urgent need for preservation.

It was a project of learning and discovery, exploring a combination of wheel and handbuilding to initiate a new creative direction.

Making the petal vessel is a lengthy process. Each vase requires a unique assembly, starting with a wheel-thrown vessel​, laying out the pattern​ and attaching each petal by hand. The finished vessel goes through a careful ​6 week ​slow-drying phase until they are ready to be fired. Once fired they often go through additional firings to achieve the desired surface texture.

Studio Process

Studio Process

I recently engaged in a ceramic project with Cour ceramics. The challenge involved each of us creating 3 vessels with 5 or more attachments/appendages.
The intended purpose of this project was to initiate a slightly different approach to our work.  Our goal was to discover a new process and creative direction through broader experimentation